Summary of GISTRAN's Experience
GISTRAN – Gerenciamento de Informações e Sistemas de Transportes Ltda. is a technical consulting company with large expertise in transportation and logistics. Founded in 1996, has succeeded SET Consultoria and ANPLA Engenharia working in the same field. The Technical Director - the same engineer who is the technical responsible of those preceding firms - and other directors and professionals have acquired at least 30 years of experience developing work projects, mostly of them in planning and operation of freight and passenger transportation.
The firm, since its founding, and its technical team, have been working on the application of modern techniques of evaluation and travel demand forecasting, traffic allocation and road operation monitoring, all part of studies, projects and plans for transportation on the federal and state level, these on Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná States and in the Brasília.
Transport Planning - logistics and demand studies.
Since 2006 GISTRAN has been working on plans and projects of freight and passengers transportation and logistics, for the Federal Government, participating at first as specialized consulting firm contracted by entities of the Ministry of Defense and from 2010 on, through a contract in consortium that was the winner of a bid for the Revaluation of Estimations and Goals of the National Plan of Logistics and Transportation – PNLT. Among other products of this project, were generated the transportation demand models for freight and passenger transportation, the evaluation of feasibility of aggregation of inter-related projects, by region and regional vector and the revision of the investment portfolio, taking environmental issues into account. At previous phase of the PNLT, by 2006, GISTRAN was responsible for building and consolidating GIS-based data on highways, railroad and waterway modals, a requirement of those plans for the application of demand assignment techniques and loading of passenger and cargo flows on the transport network.
As the leading company in Consortium with a Dutch company, was responsible for the development of the Plan of Logistics and Cargo Transportation for the State of Mato Grosso do Sul – which is one of the second major producer of soy beans and corn in Brazil, besides exports of other agricultural products. This Project was financed with a loan of The World Bank. The results of this Plan are aimed at promoting more efficient and less costly flows of the products to the main Brazilian ports for exports and defining priorities in projects of infrastructure for the State.
Recently, has concluded a contract for a plan of intercity passenger transportation in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with the objective of rationalizing an inefficient system of more than 1.800 routes operated by more than 200 companies.
GISTRAN`s professional team and consultants were involved even before its creation in studies of transportation demands and traffic flows projections in plans for various States as Mato Grosso, by 2009, Goiás, Paraná and Rio de Janeiro, besides the Federal District. In these and other similar projects the teams had been using the most recent techniques for demand allocation and forecasting using methodology tools and specialized software for planning cargo and passengers transportation systems.
Highways Operation Management
GISTRAN did and is at present increasing its participation on projects consisting in managing activities related to highways operation for DNIT (National Department of Infra-Structure). In this case it gives consulting support for the evaluation and monitoring of the transportation of exceptional heavy loads, through the development and maintenance of computerized system which gives operational access to the transporters via the Internet. It also gives operational support to the road signs program system.
Since the beginning of 2013, is working in a contract that expanded its hole on the operation and management of that system, and in a joint venture, have a team of analysts of the compatibility between vehicles and road conditions to assist in the liberation of special transit authorization on all federal network. The consortium team is also performing surveys to verify the geometric characteristics of the roads and its intersections, as well as realizing trucks weighting to assure the preservation of pavements and for safety of users.
Regarding vehicle technology required for heavy cargo transportation, has developed an study of evaluation of the impact of long cargo trucks, known in Brazil as “Bi-trem”, over the pavement, on the bridges and in the road operation, as well as demand analysis and federal roads network operation in some states.
During the period between 2007 and 2012, GISTRAN participated in a pilot project for the Implementation and Operation of services of giving assistance to the users of about 420 kilometers of federal highways linking Brasília to Goiania and other near towns, around the Federal Capital. The services included inspecting the roads during 24 hours a day, removing vehicles damaged and providing communications for the immediate attendance to victims of accidents.
Institutional Projects and Highways Concession Programs
GISTRAN has worked in projects for the Institutional Strengthening of the Department of Highways of Tocantins, financed by BIRD, aiming at improving their capacity of management of works and activities. On the first stage of the Project, from 2007 to 2009, has participated of a consulting consortium, as Brazilian representative of the French consulting firm Ingerop. At that time their professional team prepared a pilot project for the evaluation of the maintenance of roads by performance, developed a program for technical personnel training and provided technical support computer systems deployment.
In a second phase in a consortium with the same firms, has worked on activities of management of the program of works along the highways network, and in operation of roads.
GISTRAN was responsible for the study of economic feasibility and concession modeling of the federal highway that makes the contour of Rio de Janeiro designated by “Road Arch” of Rio de Janeiro State. This project included preparing the program for concession and technical-economical evaluation aiming to analyze public-private partnership alternatives, for the DER-RJ, being partner on the Concremat-Tecnosolo Consortium.
Implementation and Operation of Information Systems
GISTRAN pioneered the deployment of Geographical Information Systems on the national roads level, having developed database of federal roads as early as the 90s, and on the application of that technology for the planning and management of interstate passengers transportation by bus and special loads transportation for DNIT and ANTT. Developed, also, geo-referenced systems for the state transportation networks on the States of Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Tocantins.
Specific Experience of GISTRAN
(Main Projects in the Transportation Sector)
⦁ Elaboration of the Plan of Logistics and Transportation for the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (PELT-MS).
This Project designated as PELT-MS follows an effort of Brazilian States to prepare institutional plans and priority work programs that may enable to provide a more efficient and less costly transportation network compatible with the national Plan of Logistics and Transportation (PNLT) developed and institutionalized at Federal level by the Ministry of Transportation. The Consortium PANTEIA-GISTRAN-NGT has won the international bid, and with GISTRAN as the leading company (85% of the shares) has worked in the development of the Project, financially supported by the World Bank.
The objective of the Plan was to provide the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, for the next 15 years, with the strategies and plan of investments. This was performed through the definition of models for demand estimation of multimode transportation flows for each of the main products, chiefly soy beans, corn, sugar, cellulose and meat. The results allowed the proposition of the portfolio of projects that will improve the transportation infrastructure of the State.
The Consortium executed the following activities: a) diagnostics of the transportation sector; b) surveys and interviews with the main agents and users of the transportation system; c) specific studies of the regional logistics chain; d) modeling for the demand estimation in the base year and projections for the sceneries selected in the study; e) feasibility analysis of options and alternatives for the improvement of the transportation infrastructure and its operation; d) definition of the portfolio of projects to be developed and implemented at the State for the next years.
AGESUL – Government of Mato Grosso do Sul –2013/2015
⦁ Intercity Passenger Transportation Plan for the State of Rio Grande do Sul
This Plan was developed with the aim of stablishing a new model for a rationalized system of bus passenger transportation services that link cities, towns and districts inside the State. The main product of the Plan was the configuration of homogenous market areas, around the State main urban centers and the definition of a functional-based structure of bus routes. The new State Passenger Transportation System, was approved by the State House of representatives, and bids will be made during 2018 for the concessions of the 14 area markets as designed.
The development of the studies included nine phases:
I – Field surveys at main terminals and inside present bus routes;
II – Implementation of Georeferenced Database;
III – Transportation Demand Allocation;
IV - Operation modelling simulating and evaluating alternatives;
V – Institutional modelling including legal and regulatory instruments.
VI – Fares policy modelling defining cost structure and performance parameters.
VII – Management and control modelling;
VIII – Spatial modelling for the new System;
IX – Strategy for implementation and transitional period.
Secretaria de Transportes do Rio Grande do Sul – 2014/2017
⦁ Project of Technical Support to the Management of Exceptional Loads Transportation through the Federal highways network, involving activities of a) analysis required for the issues of special freight transportation permits (designated as AET) for the vehicles and/or for specific trips; b) surveys for the verification of geometric physical restrictions on the federal highways; c) weighting in the field of heavy loads vehicles through the use of portable scales.
The intensive increase of the use of multiple axles trucking vehicles in Brazilian highways network during the last ten years has been a worry of the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT) which is responsible for the administration and maintenance of the federal highways system. The present contract with the Consortium STE/GISTRAN – which has been working in this area for the last twelve years – aims to provide technical support needed to assure that the heavy loads transportation is being performed with observance of the Resolutions that disposes about the requirements regarding the compatibility between vehicles dimensions and axle weight and characteristics of the roads.
Under the coordination of the Executive Director of GISTRAN, the Consortium is presently responsible for performing the analysis of the solicitations of permits for exceptional and indivisible loads transportation, using a automatized system designed by the same consortium at a previous contract; the freight transporter access the system by the Internet and after the analysis of feasibility performed consulting the database on restrictions on the federal highways network, if the result confirm the feasibility the authorization may be issued. Today the average of liberations of permits (AET) is around 25.000 per month.
The field surveys made in accordance with the specifications of the contract serve to check and update the physical restrictions along the roads, including conditions of curves on intersections.
The weighting activities have been performed on sites where there is programmed trips with too heavy loads and serve to check the validity of the given information about the vehicles and loads and to avoid damages to the pavement and assure the safety of other road users.
Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes - DNIT – Since 2013
⦁ Revaluation of Estimations and Goals of the National Plan of Logistics and Transportation – PNLT to reinstate priorities of investments nationwide until 2030.
This Project objectives were to revise the initial specifications of the National Plan of Logistics and Transportation – PNLT - institutionalized as the transportation planning instrument to establish the priorities of works and actions in a national level – considering the evolution of projects developed under the Federal program PAC (Program of Acceleration of Uprising), and the consequences of the global economic crisis occurring since 2009, besides updating and revaluating the original models for demand estimations for the freight and passengers transportation. Included also the evaluation of impacts that the changes on the transportation matrix will cause in the consumption of oil derived energy, as well the emissions of polluting gases and the climatic changes that may occur.
The final product of the Project was the proposition of a new Portfolio of investment projects on the transportation infrastructure, contemplating all modal and regions, and a program of actions with regard to the new conjecture and considering the new demand estimates
Besides the modeling and prepare of the new portfolio, one of the main worries of the Revaluation Project was to improve the present availability of transportation operation data, a necessary requisite to acquire the knowledge about the real bottlenecks and restrictions occurring in the existing national infrastructure. This led to a specific study of the needs of improvement of the processes of data collection on operation of transportation, including integration of databases from public and private sources and the use of modern techniques of data acquisition.
The products of this project were grouped around six themes:
⦁ Institutionalization of the use of GIS-T databases including the formulation of guidelines for the systematization of data collection on operations.
⦁ Diagnostics of the transportation infrastructure.
⦁ Definition of transportation future sceneries.
⦁ Definition of modeling tools for freight and passenger transportation.
⦁ Analysis of the effects of the new demand estimates on the PNLT portfolio.
⦁ Proposition of a new Portfolio.
Ministério dos Transportes – 2010/ 2012
⦁ Technical Assistance needed for activities of Monitoring the Performance of the System of special transit permits (AET) and of control and supervision actions concerning the exceptional freight transportation in the federal highways network.
This Project consisted of activities of maintenance of operation of the SIAET computerized system which permits to check and analyze the feasibility of overloaded and overwide freight transportation trips, exceeding in weight or dimensions the regular standards for the federal highway network. The system was developed and implemented for the same consortium STE / GISTRAN in a previous project performed for the same contractor – the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT).
The services included, among other activities the development and implementation of actions for rationalizing the routines for the issues of the special transit authorizations (designated by AET) and organizational design for the management of the sector inside the General Coordination of Road Operations of DNIT, as well as interfaces with the field supervision of this kind of transportation, exercised by the Federal Road Police Department – DPRF and with the concessionaires of federal roads.
⦁ Technical Assistance for the management and monitoring of performance of the Program PRO–SINAL (promoted by PAC) concerning maintenance of road signalization along the federal highways network.
Consisted mainly on the development, implementation and operation of a management system for the works and services executed by specialized firms of road signalization under the PRO–SINAL program.
The project included the maintenance and operation of inventories, procedures and routines for physical and financial control of the production and its evolution, along the highways comparing the execution with the planned. in each specific contracts.
There were prepared monthly report showing in spreadsheets, graphics and maps the evolution of the works and services, by state. The system allowed also envisioning the production of horizontal and vertical signalization along the roads.
Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes - DNIT, 2007/2011.
⦁ Execution of Services of Assistance to the road users (SAU) of federal highways around Brasília as a Pilot Project for the modeling of a future program to be extended to high traffic federal highways, not covered by concessions, including support to the management of transportation safety through an automated communications system.
The contract, pioneering in the federal highways network (it existed already in some States), provided also services of inspecting the roads and removing damaged vehicles all day round with the use of vehicles prepared to the functions performed in constant link with a Control Central of Operations in the headquarters office of the consortium (Consortium SAU). The professional team employed by the consortium maintained contacts with the Federal Road Police Department – DPRF and with the network of hospitals and rescue services for the attendance in cases of accidents.
The roads covered by the services, of different characteristics (rural, urban, single and double lanes) included highways on the Federal District and State of Goiás comprising BR-040 – segment Brasília-Luziãnia, BR-060 – segment Brasília – Goiania and BR-153 – segment Anapolis-Ceres, in a total of 421 kilometers. The results of the activities where condensed in monthly reports for each segment and later in a Final Report.
Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes - DNIT, 2007-2010.
⦁ Technical Assistance concerning the development of management systems for the State Highways Department of the State of Tocantins (DERTINS) including technical personnel capacitation and interaction with other departments of the administration of Tocantins (with BIRD loan).
The Project - developed as an institutional component for the execution of the global Project of Sustainable Regional Development for the State of Tocantins – PDRS, conducted through a BIRD loan - involved the technical support by a team of specialists of hte NGT-consortium who worked for the development of management systems, mainly in the areas of road safety, pavement and maintenance.
There has been a previous contract with the same Contractor and similar objectives during which a pilot program for the evaluation of the performance of maintenance works and services under contract paid by results was defined. During this contract a georeferenced system for the state roads of Tocantins has been developed following instructions and orientation of GISTRAN specialists in joint cooperation with DERTINS field teams, which performed surveys along the State roads with the aid of GPS, under the supervision of the consortium team.
Secretaria de Planejamento do Estado do Tocantins / DERTINS – 2007/2012
⦁ Study of evaluation of the impact caused by twin trailer trucks of models operating in federal highways on the pavement, bridges and on the road operations conditions.
This study was developed as a research realized under contract with the Institute of Road Research (Instituto de Pesquisas Rodoviárias) a division of the Departamento Nacional de Infra-estrutura de Transportes with the objectives of evaluating the effects that can be generated by the flow of twin trailer trucks, whose participation in the cargo transportation has been increasing very fast for the last ten years.
The reported effects were analyzed by specialists in each area, and some tests were made, including an experience of monitoring the static and dynamic effects in a bridge on the Rio de Janeiro – São Paulo highway. As results of the Study, presented in a Final Report, there were made recommendations for introducing some changes in the norms of road design and further analysis of the conditions at intersections and at winding curves to assure that they can be accommodated with the dimensions of twin trailer trucks with larger dimensions.
Instituto de Pesquisas Rodoviárias / DNIT– 2007/2009.
⦁ Conception of a new permanent strategy and technical procedures for the planning of the interurban passenger transportation by bus in the State of Mato Grosso.
Developed with the aim of creating a new Interurban Passenger Transportation system for the State the project involved studies and analysis of a large collection of data on transportation services along the State which allowed the definition and calibration of an econometrics model for predicting the passenger transportation demands between pairs of Mato Grosso cities and towns. The adjusted model was applied, followed by procedures of allocation of demands to previously selected areas within the State. As a result of the allocation process, demands for transportation were generated which were then submitted to economic analysis to determine the feasibility of creation of new services to be conceded to private operators. Also a management information system with georeferenced databases for the State highways network was implemented.
AGER – Agência de Regulação dos Serviços Públicos de Mato Grosso / CENTRAN – 2008.
⦁ Services required to substantiate the elaboration of the National Plan of Traffic Data Collection in the Federal highways network, through studies of traffic flows estimations obtained by statistical analysis for each road on the National Plan of Highways.
The study consisted in the application of methodology of calibration and allocation of traffic demand by category of vehicle, over the mathematical network representing the Federal network in order to obtain estimations on the average traffic flows. The parameters used for calibration were extracted from former data collected five years before and existing data on concession roads. The results were needed in order to establish specifications for a future bid to restore the National Plan of Traffic Data Collection in the Federal highways network.
Universidade de Santa Catarina / DNIT– 2008
⦁ Diagnostics about the Situation of Functional Performance and Operational Conditions of the Bus Intercity Terminals used by the Interstate services of passenger transportation, under federal jurisdiction.
Developed in two phases: i) Collection of data and Diagnostics; ii) Formulation of propositions for the orientation of the government policy for this sector. During the first phase, were visited 20 terminals, including the ones with greater interstate and international transportation demand. The Diagnostics generated two products of the Study: the operational classes and the dimensions parameters and minimum criteria. The results characterized, for each item, what has been practiced in the system, considered only those terminals better evaluated by its users. They were used to define minimum requisites for each terminal class. On the second phase were elaborated propositions of technical and operational guidelines as well as institutional and financial recommendations to orientate governmental actions for stimulating improvements in this sector.
Secretaria de Política Nacional de Transportes do Ministério dos Transportes, 2005 /2006.
⦁ Development, implementation and operation of methodology to control and monitoring the exceptional cargo, with surveys to collect data on physical and operational restrictions along the Federal highways network.
The surveys and mapping of the restrictions, with use of GIS databases, permitted to structure, organize and establish the procedures for the updating of the existing restrictions inventory with regard to the analysis of routes where it could not be allowed the issue of authorizations of exceptional cargo transportation on the highways under federal jurisdiction. This inventory was the basis for the development and implementation of the SIAET – Information System of Special Transit Authorizations, that starting its operation on 2004 enabled the operators make their request for exceptional cargo trips and receive by means of Internet the Special Transit Authorization (AET) – when the analysts operating the system didn`t detect restrictions applied – by the Internet. The system, with the use of GIS maps could represent the routes subjected to different restrictions – on height, width or weight.
Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes - DNIT, 2001/2005.
⦁ Management of contracts for road signalization and elimination of safety critical points and studies of equipment for speed control, with the development, implementation and operation of systems for the control of the evolution of the contracts, using databases and GIS technology.
Consisted on: I) development and implementation de management systems applied to the contracts for road signalization (horizontal and vertical) controlling the evolution of physical and financial execution; II) development de methodology, with use of GIS, to choose the better locations for the installation of equipment for speed control; III) definition and implementation of procedures, with application of GIS databases, to determine safety critical points and the criteria for priorizing its elimination; IV) evolution control of activities under the jurisdiction of the General Coordination of Road Operations of the DNIT, especially those relatives to the signalization maintenance program.
Departamento Nacional de Estradas de Rodagem – DNER, 1999/2001 then transferred to the Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes - DNIT, 2001/2005.
⦁ Elaboration of specialized activities for the National Plan of Logistics and Transportation – PNLT - 2006, comprising the rebuilding and consolidating GIS-based data on highways, railroad and waterway modals and the conception of the Interurban Passenger Transportation Model by Sceneries; also the selection of performance indicators for the Evaluation of Projects concerning Interstate Passenger Transportation.
GISTRAN was hired for specific activities concerning the development of National Plan of Logistics and Transportation – PNLT, in its first phase of execution, coordinated by CENTRAN, an agency of the Ministry of Defense which worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation, due to its strategic role.
Its technical team participated on the development of phases and activities, mainly the availability of the GIS databases for the infrastructure of each modal of transportation and tasks of allocating of demand, mainly regarding the formulation of the interurban passenger transportation model, for the further definition and evaluation of projects for this area. In the course of the work it was necessary to collect and complementing data for the completion of the databases.
Centro de Excelência de Transportes – CENTRAN / Ministério dos Transportes – 2006.
⦁ Specialized Consulting services of transportation engineering for the consolidation of databases and application on the processes of demand allocation and simulation of transportation flows through the network and consequent evaluation of projects concerning the improvement of Interstate Passenger Transportation by modals.
This Project succeeded the previous one which were mainly concerned with the preparation of GIS databases and conception of modals. Now, GISTRAN performed the tasks required in the second phase of transportation planning process, towards the definition of the main results for the conclusion of the Plan.
Further adjustments and complementation of the infrastructure network were needed. In spite of its major concern in the area of intercity passenger transportation, GISTRAN`s team have also participate in some other itens of the Plan`s scope, as in case of special cargo transportation, due to its previous experience. As one of the main product of this project, the projection of transportation demands were performed, leading to the further evaluation of air and land transportation projects.
Centro de Excelência de Transportes – CENTRAN / Ministério dos Transportes – 2006.
⦁ Technical Assistance to the elaboration of activities for the National Plan of Vehicles Weighting for implementation on the Federal highways network.
GISTRAN was surrogated by CENTRAN, agency of the Ministry of Defense working jointly with the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure in the development of National Plan of Weighting – PNB. The specialized services provided by GISTRAN consisted of:
⦁ Transportation studies on cargo transportation, with specific activities of evaluating main routes of freight and passenger transportation, evaluation of vehicles transporting hazardous materials and recommendations sceneries for the simulation of scales operation locations;
⦁ Application of planning algorithms using the software TransCAD to the calibration on the federal highways network and allocation of flows of heavy loads trucks for the analysis of the future operation of scales along selected points in the network.
Centro de Excelência de Transportes – CENTRAN / Ministério dos Transportes – 2006.
⦁ Studies of preliminary economic feasibility of the road contour (Arco Rodoviário) of Rio de Janeiro with the modeling for concession including program of exploitation and road operation and technical evaluation of alternatives of investments through public-private partnership.
Arco Rodoviário do Rio de Janeiro is the designation of a road network around the city that will serve as a contour, avoiding congestions due to high volumes of traffic flow coming from the ports and roads on the South with destinations on the north of Rio de Janeiro. GISTRAN was hired as surrogate of the consortium winner of the engineering preliminary design, working directly with de administration of the State Highways Department of Rio de Janeiro, as a specialized consulting firm to make technical-economic studies to evaluate the feasibility of the participation of private investments under alternatives of concessions of the road or public-private partnership to apply to the road contour project.
The roads pertaining to the Arco were the RJ-109 (BR-493/RJ) and the duplication of BR-101/RJ until the access to the Port of Sepetiba. Among other activities, made the estimations of present and future dimensioned the toll posts and performed the economic feasibility preliminary studies characterizing the potential and projected pay-back of the investments to be applied in the construction, maintenance and operation, including, in this case the costs associated with the program of exploitation and service for the road user.
Departamento Estadual de Estradas de Rodagem do Rio de Janeiro – DER-RJ, through the Consortium Concremat/Tecnosolo - 2004.
⦁ Development and implementation of control and evaluation systems for freight and passenger transportation by highways, including the building and operation of GIS databases for the services working under governmental permissions for interstate and international transportation in the countries of Mercosul (Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay).
This was a long term contract initially with the National Department of Highways (DNER) and later with the National Agency of Land Transportation (ANTT). During the contract the following computerized systems were developed and implemented, according to ANTT specifications (database, programming languages, interface standards, documentation):
⦁ Management of transportation services under permission, including processing of infractions notifications and fines, control of receipts;
⦁ Authorizations of special trips, through access by Internet;
⦁ Planning and control tools, including TRANSP, an inventory of services and transportation statistics, and VIABSEC, a model to estimate demands and analyze economic feasibility of new services;
A spatial analytic system using GIS databases were developed and implemented containing updated layers of federal and states highways networks which were used to create layers for all the services under ANTT`s permission.
Departamento Nacional de Estradas de Rodagem – DNER, 1997/2000, later Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres – ANTT, 2000/2003.
⦁ Development and application of software with the implementation of a Management System to Control Road Transit and Accidents – SICTAR for the State Highway Network of Rio de Janeiro.
During the development phase, the system was designed with four integrated modules:
⦁ Processing data acquired by the field counters, summarization and presentation of results;
⦁ Processing data contained in the accidents forms, summarization and presentation of results;
⦁ Development of GIS databases corresponding to the highways network in the State of rio de Janeiro (federal and state jurisdiction) and points of special interested along the network;
⦁ Integration of traffic and accidents data modules using the GIS databases, with determination of the safety critic segments along the state network of highways.
In a supplementary phase of this contract, other services were made:
I) Development of a Road Inventory system under DER-RJ jurisdiction, which maintains also the environmental information;
II) Development and implementation of a system and database relative to the road signalization, including procedures to design signs and make the follow up of its confection.
Departamento Estadual de Estradas de Rodagem do Rio de Janeiro – DER-RJ – 2000/2001.
⦁ Development of institutional, economic and operational studies for the presentation of propositions concerning the definition of fare structures and management model for the new Integrated System of Public Transportation on the Federal District.
This Project required analysis and evaluation of options of operational and fares integration metro-bus around traffic zones inside the Federal District and the proposition of an economic and financial model to manage the new System. Simulation models were developed to analyze fare structures options and revenues partition for the integrated modes. Operational structures were defined for the electronic ticketing for the metro-bus integration.
Secretaria de Transportes do Governo do Distrito Federal – 2000/2001
⦁ Studies and research about the regulation of hazardous products road transportation, including mapping of routes of main products, specification of parking áreas, creation of a integrated communications system model to be used in emergency actions, and analysis of jurisdiction conflicts and legal aspects involved.
The project had as an initial phase the mapping of road routes used in the transportation of main hazardous products and materials with characterization of existing concentration of origins and destinations. It has been used GIS software to implement a database of transportation routes - that would be used in the next decade for the studies of the National Plan of Logistics and Transportation. Specific data was collected in surveys with operators and shippers of these products. Procedures were defined regarding:
I) permanent routines of data collection and processing on origin/destination/routes used in the hazardous products/materials transportation;
II) conception of a structure of parking areas for the vehicles in operation;
III) communications systems options and emergency actions in case of accidents;
IV) execution of educational campaigns involving shippers, operators and road users. A suggestion of new regulation was proposed as well as norms for the control and supervision of these activities at Federal highways.
Instituto de Pesquisas Rodoviárias – DNER, 1997/ 1999.